About Us
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Hers is some detail of web hosting provided by NTCS and prices
Domain registration Rs1000.00 per year (most tlds)
Check Availability http://www.enom.com/domainsearch/default.aspx
Hosting: 1. 100 MB Rs5000 per year
2. 1 GB Rs10000 per year
Gpeasy CMS design Rs20,000.00
.np domain registration free. please contact http://www.mos.com.np/newsdetail.php?id=70
.np domain registration form /NGO%20Template/data/_uploaded/file/NewDomainRequestForm.xls
New domain registration send email to hostmaster@mos.com.np
--> personal
application letter with copy of citizenship
--> registration of company's domain
application letter in company's letterhead , tax clearance paper, paper of company registration.
Thank you